Does the thought of drinking hot lemon water make you Quiver?
I did when I first learned about the benefits. I first drank it with honey until I learned it was more beneficial for my body with simply lemon and water. Hot lemon water in the morning is well worth adding to your routine. It has been a morning ritual for my husband and I for the last several years, since we substituted it with coffee. Why should you add hot lemon water to your morning routine you must be thinking and I don’t blame you? The benefits of drinking this hydrating and mineral-rich beverage are numerous and you will soon see why. 1. LEMON WATER IS ALKALIZING. In order for the human body to function at its peak, it needs to be alkaline. Many foods and beverages, such as meat, dairy, caffeinated beverages, and drinks, leave an acidic residue in the body. Too much acidity in the body can cause a host of problems i.e. inflammation, water retention, and cancer thrives in an acidic body. Acidity also speeds up the aging process and causes bad mouth and body odor. To balance the acidity levels, the body needs foods that are alkaline, such as vegetables, greens, and fruits. Hot lemon water is an alkalizing beverage that can help the body maintain its ideal PH. While we sleep our bodies have a significant role - it repairs things that went wrong the day before, cells and skin have been renewed, and many other marvelous things go on. The hot lemon water assists the body getting the PH balance stabilized. Lemons contain alkaline minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium, and these minerals play a significant role in your health. 2. AIDS WITH DIGESTION. Lemons increase bile secretion from the liver, which aids in proper digestion of foods, kick starting the day with a healthy bowel movement. Having a healthy digestive tract is essential to getting the most nutrients out of your food. 3. HOT LEMON WATER IS HYDRATING. Many people don’t realise that while we sleep, our bodies lose fluids, which means that when we awake, we need to hydrate. There was a time when my morning beverage was coffee, and a great portion of the world has a morning coffee as a ritual. It is a terrible mistake because coffee dehydrates the body even more and as you may or may not know, dehydration can cause fatigue, sluggishness, and headaches. That is why starting the morning off with a cup of hot lemon water is a great way to start your day right, and make sure you get the hydration you need right away. 4. CURBS HUNGER CRAVINGS. The pulp of lemons contains pectin fiber, which helps the body control hunger cravings. If you are trying to lose weight, hot lemon water with pulp can be a wonderful, all-natural way to control your cravings. 5. BEAUTIFUL SKIN. Lemons are an excellent source of Vitamin C, which is necessary for beautiful skin. This antioxidant helps fight free radical damage and plays a role in collagen synthesis. Lemons also help cleanse the liver, which in turn makes the liver better able to process toxins. When the body is properly detoxified, the skin will take on a beautiful glow. Drinking hot lemon water can help you maintain smoother, younger looking, and more beautiful skin. Once I’ve prepared my lemon water, I take the juiceless lemon and rub it on my face, I leave it on for about 30 minutes, rinse it off, then pick a small piece of aloe vera and rub it on my clean skin. As you can see, hot lemon water is an excellent addition to your morning beauty routine. Like most good things, though, it is not an overnight beauty and health miracle or cure. It is something that must be done on a regular basis, over a period to reap the most benefits. I hope that drinking hot lemon water becomes an integral part of your morning routine that you enjoy as much as I do. It is a simple and effective tool in your journey to optimal health! 6. LIVER HEALTH. The sour flavor can be found in many foods; lemons, sprouts, green apples, oats, yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, which is a Korean spicy pickled cabbage. Remember to find the right balance of sour in your life, both too little and too much can impact liver health. The bitter flavor governs the liver and has a gathering effect, which is imperative for the support of our physical structure. The Nei Ching advise, too much of the sour flavor will cause the flesh to tighten. This leads to inflexibility in body, mind and spirit. "
In the past few years, I have noticed many people are becoming health conscious and are talking about changing their lifestyle in one way or another.
They start a health and wellness regimen, and usually begin with some detox procedure like a liver cleanse. Many other bodily functions need to be considered and supported, and if the detoxification organs and pathways are not in a healthy state, it could worsen any underlying challenges as toxins could be reabsorbed into the system. It is imperative to get to know and understand your organ systems a little bit better, to avoid such a disaster. The largest internal organ is the liver and performs numerous critical functions to keep the body pure of toxins and harmful substances. The liver plays a significant role in the metabolism with multiple roles in the human body, including:- • Bile production - which helps break down fats and absorption of nutrients in the small intestine • Produces cholesterol and proteins - delivering fats through the entire body • Stores glycogen and releases glucose as needed • Stores blood and iron • Breaks down insulin, estrogen, and other hormones • Converts ammonia to urea (urea is one of the end products of protein metabolism that is excreted in the urine) • Clears the blood of harmful and toxic substances i.e. drugs, alcohol, etc. • Assists immune health and removes microbes from the bloodstream Once the liver has broken down harmful substances, these substances are the excreted into the bile or the blood. Bile by-products enter the intestine and leave the body through the feces, and blood by-products are filtered by the kidneys and leave the body via the urine. Here’s where some of the “detox” trouble arises. If the digestive system is sluggish, toxins can be reabsorbed into the body and the blood via the intestines. If the kidney/bladder system is weak, it can be overloaded with toxic residue, which can lead to bladder and kidney infections. This will leave you with many symptoms, including feeling lethargic, sluggish, and even keep you from your normal daily activities. I hope you have a clear picture that before starting a liver detox procedure, it's best to ensure your intestines and kidney/bladder system is in excellent health. Eating fiber rich foods will assist your digestive system and promote optimal function, along with proper chewing. Have you ever heard the statement "Digestion begins in the mouth, not in the stomach"? (See my blog CHEWING FOR BETTER HEALTH!) Bitter herbs will also stimulate the production and release of bile, which will better serve your digestion. (See my blog on HOW WELL IS YOUR BODY PREPARED FOR OUR TOXIC FUTURE?) Once your digestive system is functioning better, it is time to ensure your kidneys are in good shape too, by doing a kidney cleanse. My preference is with plant medicines in the form of tinctures, which are efficiantly assimilated. Besides adding these highly efficient plant medicines into your diet, it is preferable that you eat a well balanced diet, free of sugary foods, highly processed foods, excessive amounts of poor quality proteins, coffee and soda, whilst adding exercise, which will greatly enhance your program. Once you have completed the kidney cleanse and your digestive system is functioning better, you will be ready do a simple “liver cleanse.” One of the BEST ways to support the health of the liver has traditionally been through fasting. Many cultures around the world have fasted at specific times of the year to help support proper functioning of the liver, which is also known as the creative channel in the body and mind. To learn more about the liver and cleansing, send me an email to [email protected] THESIS
The Natural Pro-Active Solution for the Post-Antibiotic Era “I’m sorry, but there is nothing I can do now.” “From a small scratch while playing outside my eight-year-old daughter now has a severe infection.” “My 12-year-old son caught a cold that turned into a chest infection and now blown out to pneumonia.” “My 10-year-old son went in to have his tonsils extracted and three days later ended up with an infection.” In all these simple examples the doctors said, “I’m sorry, but there is nothing I can do now.” Death from these every day, simple maladies will once again become commonplace. World health authorities have announced the fast approaching world scenario of life without any effective antibiotics. Several recent international studies have revealed the rapid global development of antibiotic resistant bacteria. The frightening scenario of the demise of antibiotics is developing in this time that has seen the onset of an unprecedented number of killer diseases or superbugs. HIV, Ebola, Bird Flu, Mad cow’s disease, Legionnaire’s disease, Lyme’s disease and the ever present Tuberculosis. Health experts predict that the arrival of another superbug is only a matter of time. The World Health Organization is now scrambling to develop protocols for antibiotic use to slow down the inevitable onset of the post-antibiotic era. This book is a manual for surviving in this new era. Immune Booster is full of proven health cures and ways of maximizing the potency of yours and your family’s immune systems. I am an experienced Medical Missionary and Health Coach. My work in the Philippines, Vanuatu, East Timor and Australia has involved curing many people in remote areas with proven age-old natural healing technologies – without antibiotics. Many people still want to turn to modern medicine for the quick fix of a pill that they later find out has coursed some other symptoms and their doctor prescribed yet another pill for that symptom. When are you going to learn? Many are dying of ignorance, and that is my biggest frustration. INTRODUCTION James Gallagher, Health editor, BBC News website On the 19th November 2015 Analysis: Antibiotic Apocalypse “A simple cut to your finger could leave you fighting for your life. Luck will play a bigger role in your future than any doctor could. The most basic operations - getting an appendix removed or a hip replacement -could become deadly. Cancer treatments and organ transplants could kill you. Childbirth could once again become a dangerous moment in a woman's life. It's a future without antibiotics. Perhaps this reads like the plot of a science fiction novel - but there is a genuine fear that the world is heading into a post-antibiotic era. The World Health Organization has warned, "many common infections will no longer have a cure and, once again, could kill unabated." The US Centers for Disease Control has pointed to the emergence of "nightmare bacteria". And the chief medical officer for England Prof Dame Sally Davies has evoked parallels with the "apocalypse". Antibiotics kill bacteria, but the bugs are incredibly wily foes. Once you start treating them with a new drug, they find ways of surviving. New drugs are needed, which they then find ways to survive. Now this is where IMMUNE BOOSTER comes in. It is the Natural Pro-Active Solution for the Post-Antibiotic Era. It includes proven cures for diverse diseases including cancer, diabetes, limes’ disease and more, and ways of boosting your immune system through optimum nutrition, exercise, herbs, and remedies. CHAPTER ONE THE WORLD HEALTH CRISIS The world is facing a tsunami, and we are all about to get wet, this massive health crisis the world is facing is terrifying in its scale. The combination of the rising of the super viruses in the last 20 years and the prospect of others developing in a mixture of the resistance to antibiotics is a time bomb waiting to go off. Prof Timothy Walsh Prof Timothy Walsh, from Cardiff University, tells us, He was one of the team members that identified one of the new emerging threats in South Asia - NDM-1. New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase-1, which is thought to have emerged in India. There are many countries in the world with poor sanitation and high antibiotic use, which seem to be popular tourist destinations. These include India, the Philippines, Nepal, Africa, South America and Asia. Due to international travel to these countries, cases have been detected around the world, which has helped resistance spread. Countries that we thought were safe, or exempt from these issues such as the UK, Switzerland and Germany are now finding many threats. In some countries, like Australia for example antibiotics are only available by prescription, yet in other countries, these drugs are available over the counter. It is a huge problem with attempting to prevent an antibiotic catastrophe - how much can one country do? The mere fact that antibiotics are poisons that kill bacteria, which is a small organism makes it certain that in large doses, they can kill large organisms. (YOU!) James Gallagher goes on to say, “The world is on the cusp of a "post-antibiotic era," scientists have warned after finding bacteria resistant to drugs used when all other treatments have failed.” There is going to come a time when your body is going to be exposed to dangerous toxins both externally from our environment in the air, water, and soil, and internally through metabolic waste and the process of eating.
If your body is not prepared for the bombardment of toxic residues, you might suffer from an onslaught of physical and emotional challenges as your body tries to cleanse itself. So, how can we prepare for an overload of toxins if we can’t even avoid them? We need to ensure that our detoxification organs are in excellent condition and supported by us on many levels. Our body is fearfully and wonderfully made and is designed to self-heal, and to support us on this journey through life. The first place we have to start is with the liver because it is our major detoxification organ. When the liver is suffering from toxic overload, or it’s not getting the support it needs, it gives us a variety of symptoms to let us know something is wrong. Herewith some signs of liver stress: • Digestive problems, bloating, distension • Lipomas, which are Fatty deposits under the skin • Muscular tension (head, neck, shoulders, hips), tight tendons • Allergies and environmental sensitivities • Irregular menstrual cycle • Migraine headaches • Gallstones • Dry eyes, (also s sign of dehydration) blurry eyes • Anger and irritability • Inflexibility (both physical and emotional) In ancient times they viewed the liver as the “Commander.” The liver rules the morning and gives us the capacity to wake up energized and inspired. If you can’t get out of bed in the morning, it’s a sure sign that the liver has been compromised in some way. The sense organ associated with the liver is the eyes, so floaters, dry eyes and red irritated eyes can all show liver stress. The sour flavour governs the liver and has a gathering effect, which is imperative for the support of our physical structure. The Nei Ching advise, too much of the sour flavour will cause the flesh to tighten. This leads to inflexibility in body, mind and spirit. A healthy liver ensures our physical, emotional and spiritual needs are balanced. When the liver is compromised, anger and frustration arise. So the next time you have an anger outburst, think about your liver and what it might be yelling out to you. Also take note at how many angry and frustrated people you know. Perhaps it is time for you to share this amazing fact with them. The liver and its complementary organ system, the gallbladder, are considered our creative channel and when physical, emotional and spiritual needs are balanced, creativity flows. If you find yourself feeling stuck and unable to create what you want to create, it’s time to get creative to help support your liver in some unconventional ways. Here are 5 things you can do right now to ensure your commanding organ is given the support it needs to do it’s job more effectively: 1. FAST OR CLEANSE: Fasting once is a while is a good habit to get into – it’s been around for a very long time for good reason. Fasting from food gives your liver, digestive system and kidneys a break, and your body can work on detoxing your system more effectively and efficiently. 2. ELIMINATE OR REDUCE FRIED FOODS: Fatty Fried foods cause the liver to work overtime breaking down the toxic residue of oxidised fats. A quick stir-fry is not the issue here. I’m talking about French fries, fried calamari, fried chicken or duck, deep-fried oreos that have all been cooked in oxidised oils. (High, continuous heat oxidises and damages oils). 3. EAT SMALLER MEALS: When you eat, your body produces metabolic waste. If you overeat, it puts a great deal of stress on the liver. Smaller meals, means the liver and the digestive system have less work to do breaking down large quantities of nutrients. Overeating supports the food economy, but certainly not the health of your physical body. 4. USE SOUR AND ASTRINGENT HERBS AND FOODS: The sour flavour can be found in many foods; lemons, sprouts, green apples, oats, yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, which is a Korean spicy pickled cabbage. Remember to find the right balance of sour in your life, both too little and too much can impact liver health. 5. FIND A CREATIVE OUTLET: The liver is not just a physical organ with a mechanical process. According to ancient wisdom it is our creative channel. Find something that inspires you creatively and take a class. Some suggestions: cooking, writing, painting, singing, pottery, crafts, knitting. I am sure you get the picture… now start drawing a picture, even if it’s a stick figure! Get your creative juices flowing to support the health of the liver on a deeper level. When your liver gets what it needs from you, it can do its job better to support your physical, emotional and spiritual health much better. In the Blue Zone, people live past 100 years old. Now that is good stock and "le Joi de Vivre."
There's a lot you can do to improve your chances of maintaining a high quality of life, as you get older. Most of us want to live longer, but who wants to live longer with ill health, suffering and a burden to our family. There are many diseases’ that used to be common with age, however due to our toxic world we are finding babies and small children suffering from these. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic asthma, just to name a few. The goal should be “prevention, rather than cure” which I advise all my clients whom I see. We work on enhancing complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. We work at strengthening the immune system and preparing the body to be ready for the attack of any superbug. Research shows you are ageing from the moment you are born. The question is, are you ageing healthily or not? Making healthy lifestyle choices will reduce your chance of disease, which I look at as dis-ease, and it will enhance your outlook immensely. Here are some top tips to maximize your chances of ageing well. 1. KEEP PHYSICALLY ACTIVE (A Primary Food) Aiming for at least a good half hour to an hour of moderate intensity physical activity every day, where you're working hard enough to get a bit puffed but you can still talk. I believe IT training is the quickest way to get your fitness level up, which is also the method of training I use as part of my depression recovery program. Keeping active will assist with the prevention of a wide range of diseases, especially heart disease, our biggest killer. It can also help with mental health problems like anxiety and depression, and boost the immune system. During exercise, the entire body is affected. Muscle fibers contract and release, the heart pumps more rapidly, and the lungs work harder to get more oxygen to the body. These actions trigger increased enzyme reactions, nerve stimulations, metabolic enhancement, and more. Exercise is an awesome event! 2. DO NOT SMOKE “Every cigarette you smoke takes 14.5 minutes off your life,” I call that slow suicide. You need to stop smoking as soon as possible. Not only are you affecting your health, but of those around you too. In fact passive smoking in some cases can be worse, so think about your children and spouse. My mother has never smoked in her life but was diagnosed with emphysema a short while ago. (Dad smoked in our house and even in their bedroom.) While we only talk about emphysema related to smoking, smoking is a risk factor for all the chronic diseases, including the ones that affect the brain. Alzheimer’s and some forms of dementia. Consider these adverse effects of cigarette smoking: heart disease, stroke, various types of cancer, emphysema, premature births, poor circulation, and shortness of breath. Those are just a few of the adverse effects of cigarette smoking. “It is estimated that tobacco kills over 1,000,000 people each year.” Nicotine is one of the most deadly poisons. Just two drops will kill a full-grown horse. A smoker increases his risk of lung cancer 1000% over a non-smoker. Their risk of heart disease goes up 103% above a non-smoker. In fact, tobacco smoke contains about 70 different cancer-causing substances. Think about that next time you want to take smoke! 3. BUILD POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS (A Primary Food.) "This is paramount for both your physical health and mental health," says Dow. "If you're socially isolated, it's equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day." Research shows, loneliness, can increase your risk of premature death by as much as 30 percent. Increased stress hormones increase the risk of heart disease, and social activity is a form of mental stimulation that's right for ageing brains. When you are socially active you have to listen to others, think about what they are saying, understand what they are saying and then think about what you are saying, which means lots of different parts of your brain are working. I wrote a blog recently on relationships, where I showed proof of this in a case study. A quick brief, “The Roseto Effect” A close-knit community… Roseto Pennsylvania – A town of Italian families in the 1950’s Dr. Stewart who was then head of medicine at the University of Oklahoma became interested in why they never got heart disease and dying of old age, unlike surrounding communities which were at the height of heart disease. They thought perhaps their DNA, or the olive oil or red wine. But what they found was their diet consisted of pasta, pizza, wine, meatballs in lard, etc. definitely, not healthy eating, so they decided to check out where they were from in Italy and researched these people. The findings were, nobody was ever lonely. They worked hard, but after work they all visited and socialized and gathered together, celebrated, churched together, they all chipped in to help anyone who had a problem. There was no welfare and no childcare. Loneliness and isolation leave people feeling overwhelmed, and that puts the nervous system into stress response, (Walter Cannon at Harvard called this) fight or flight response, the sympathetic nervous system. 4. EAT A WELL-BALANCED DIET Eating a well-balanced diet with whole foods, lots of fruits and vegetables has a significant role to play in warding off chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer and will even keep your brain healthy. There are over 144 diet theories recorded to date, which is all contradictory. I believe we need to take into consideration all factors e.g. age, gender, culture, blood type, past and present issues, etc. of the individual when looking at a suitable diet plan. I added a few different tricks to my diet when I turned 30, to assist me with the ageing process. I believe three dates, three figs, and 3three Brazilian nuts each day to help replenish the loss of oestrogen and progesterone. 5. WATCH WHAT YOU DRINK Alcohol is the number one drug problem in our society. It is a medical fact that ALCOHOL DAMAGES EVERY CELL IN YOUR BODY THAT IT TOUCHES. You see red blood cells carry oxygen through the bloodstream and deliver it to cells throughout the body. The tiniest vessels, called capillaries, only permit passage of one of these red blood cells at a time. Alcohol causes the red blood cells that carry oxygen to clump together, forming a sticky “sludge.” This sticky blood doesn’t pass through the tiniest blood vessels of the body. Alcohol drinking also cuts off oxygen supplies to the brain. The brain cells, unable to get enough oxygen, are destroyed. Research has shown that brain cells never regenerate! I believe we should abstain from alcohol altogether. TASTY HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE Alcohol-free beers and wines are a great transition to help replace that space in your life that was used to drink. Once you get used to being without the alcohol, fresh homemade ale, ginger beer, grape juice, lemon lime and bitters, punch. SODA is another drink that one should consider before consuming. The side effects of soda are worse than most people realise and children should never be introduced to these drinks. As soon as it passes down the throat, the pancreas begins their job of creating insulin in response to the sugar. Insulin is a hormone the body uses to move sugar from food or drink into the bloodstream, where cells are then able to use sugar for energy. Within just 20 minutes, blood sugar levels spike and the liver responds to the insulin by turning sugar into fat for storage. Within 45 minutes of drinking a 600ml bottle of soda, caffeine from the drink is fully absorbed, and as a result, your pupils dilate and blood pressure rises. The body produces more dopamine, which stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain, just like a bad line of cocaine and that is why so many people are addicted to soda. The same bottle of soda is reported to have as much as 15 to 18 teaspoons of sugar and anywhere between 240 and 700 calories. It’s then only a matter of an hour when the body begins to experience a blood sugar crash, which is just about when you reach for the next can, or for another sweet and sugar snack to suffice. Soda’s connection to the obesity epidemic is intertwined, and researchers are now proving, each additional soda consumed increases the risk of obesity 1.6 times. TASTY HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE You can replace these drinks with fresh fruit juices, which have fructose rather than sugar which is less damaging to your children’s system. 6. KEEP YOUR BRAIN ACTIVE Research shows that people who do more stimulating activities throughout their life have better brain function and a lower chance of developing dementia. In the past, there was an emphasis on crosswords and Sudoku puzzles to boost the brain. I suggest Scrabble, Bible reading, listening to classical music, learning a musical instrument and a second language. Research suggests, to challenge the brain you must learn something new or different. 7. HAVE AN OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK Are you a glass half empty or glass half full person? The evidence the latter might help you fare better as you age comes from talking to older individuals who feel they're doing well and asking them what they think has helped, Dow says. Research has found, optimists are more willing to adapt and actively participate in seeking solutions to problems. Because they feel less hopelessness, they have less stress and depression. Positive people are also more likely to engage in behaviours that keep them physically healthy like eating well and exercising. While personality type and life experiences can influence your tendency to be optimistic, you can also take matters into your hands. It’s time to stop blaming your childhood issues for your circumstances. You can change your mindset, by being more positive, changing your negative thought patterns, choosing to smile rather than walk around in doom and gloom, etc. |
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